A new iOS app in the US is revolutionising the locksmith industry and helping people to avoid having to resort to potentially destructive methods of gaining entry when they are locked out. KeyMe is a locksmithing app that lets you take pictures of your keys and back them up digitally. These are saved to the cloud so they can be viewed and sent when you need to. This means users can share them with friends, family and housemates, as well as sending them directly to a locksmith or a lock cutting kiosk when they need a new key to be cut.
Users lay their key on a piece of plain white paper and take a picture of the front and the back. The app will then use the images to gather data about the key and create a biting code. This code includes information about the type of key and the cut so that it can be recreated by a locksmith or an automated machine.
The KeyMe app means you always have a copy of your key handy, even if you lose or break the original. Users won’t need to hire a locksmith to help them get into their home, office or vehicle; they can simply have a new key cut using the images and the code. Replacement keys can also be ordered directly via the app if needed.
The app is currently only available in the US, but there are plans to create an Android version so it is available to more users and expand overseas too. The technology is really useful and would mean people never need to worry about getting locked out and needing to forcefully gain entry.
We would love to see a similar app become available in the UK. It would work fantastically alongside our services and help our locksmiths in Northampton to provide an even better service for our clients. We look forward with interest to seeing how this technology develops in the future.