Protecting commercial property

Commercial security is overlooked quite often when compared to protecting homes and vehicles. The main reason for this is sometimes due to people prioritising their personal possessions, but it’s still just as important. It can be slightly more complicated though; the reason for this can be because there are a lot more components to be accounted for even if it’s a small business. Luckily TMN has locksmiths Northampton businesses owners can work with to maximise security.

When discussing commercial security, it is important to analyse all weak spots. No matter what size business you are, there is weakness of every calibre, so achieving a thorough protective system is done by performing a security audit. To analyse all potential threats effectively, it is better to break them down in two categories; internal and external threats.

Recognising each type of threat means you can minimise the potential impact. Internal threats can be anything from employee theft, negligence, lack of maintenance or training, or subpar verification. With external threats, lack of perimeter protection, ineffective equipment security, lock vulnerabilities and lighting all need to be looked at.

Once you have familiarised yourself with potential internal and external threats you can combat the issues you may face. Firstly, a risk assessment must be carried out; this is to simply identify the weakest areas. Then maintenance schedules need to be implemented, ensuring that businesses stay on top of maintaining systems.

Other steps that need to be followed through is performing security audits, installing access control systems, training, increasing perimeter protection, utilising proper lighting, installing CCTV, upgrading locks and even hiring guards. In short, protecting commercial property is no quick and easy task, however it is worth the time and money.

There are many aspects to look at, so carrying them all out efficiently is important. TMN Locksmiths Northampton specialises in many areas relating to security, and can help you establish a system that works for you.

If you require our services, or advice please get in contact today.